Understanding Health and Medical Services

Understanding Urethral Diverticulum

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Urethral diverticulum is a condition characterised by the formation of a pouch on the internal wall of the urethra. When you urinate, the pouch can fill with urine, and the longer the urine sits in the pouch, the more opportunity there is for bacteria to breed and spread due to stagnation. The cause of urethral diverticulum isn’t always clear, but it can occur due to a previous infection causing the wall of the urethra to weaken, or it can result from trauma during childbirth.…

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Two mistakes you must avoid making if you've been diagnosed with claudication

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If you have been diagnosed with claudication (a condition that is usually induced by atherosclerosis, which results in a person experiencing pain when they exercise due to the poor circulation of blood in their lower limbs) and need to get a vascular ultrasound so that your doctor can assess the affected blood vessels, here are two mistakes that you should try hard not to make. Postponing your vascular ultrasound appointment because you fear it will hurt or be invasive…

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3 Main Reasons Why You May Need Remedial Massage

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Remedial massage is a little different from the massage therapy solutions given when you need to relax and revitalise your body. It is a medical form of therapy which helps with rehabilitation, injury management and the healing of musculoskeletal disorders. The massage aims to locate and repair any muscles which could be knotted up, damaged or immobile as a result of an injury, and promote healing. When you visit a remedial massage therapist, they work on you using various techniques.…

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